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Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. is one of Bobby and Ronnie Anne's cousins on The Casagrandes, introduced along with the rest of his family in The Loud House episode "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos". He is the second-oldest child of the Casagrande siblings, who has Down Syndrome and loves having fun and playing games with his siblings and cousins, such as pretending he is a pirate or a superhero. He is also a very skilled barber and is good at spinning the store's advertising sign.


The Loud House[]

In "The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos", CJ made a banner for Ronnie Anne Santiago's new room that said "Ronnie Anne's Room. Keep Out.".

In "The Loudest Thanksgiving", CJ ran his yearly Thanksgiving canned food drive for charity.

The Casagrandes[]

In "Store Wars with the Casagrandes", CJ worked at the bodega even though he was extremely tired, just so that the store could stand a chance against the Hi 'N' Buy.

In "Arr in the Family", CJ fought against Ralphie for the honor of raising the jolly roger flag in the pirate dinner theater play and knocked him off the deck. However, he still showed mercy for him and saved him life, despite Ralphie not deserving it, being the hateful, selfish, assholic villain he is.

In "Operation Dad", CJ helped Ronnie Anne and the others convince Arturo to move into Great Lakes City permanently.

In "Grandparent Trap", CJ and the other kids helped Rosa and Hector get back together by setting them up on a surprise date and also putting them on a relationship talk show.

In "Dial M for Mustard", CJ helped the other kids catch the evil hot dog guy who was stealing Bruno's mustard.


Carlos Jr. has Down Syndrome, which is exhibited through his childlike actions and lack of physical development, while in his teen years. He loves to play children's games like pirates and superheroes, and he can easily befriend any person, like Lincoln.

Carlos Jr. is also surprisingly perceptive. Many times, he notices things before other members of his family. For instance, when Lincoln and Lori come to visit the Casagrandes, CJ is the first to notice that they have arrived, as the other members of his family are all distracted with their own tasks. On another occasion, when the family notices Ronnie Anne is standing under an air conditioning unit, CJ is the first to realize the danger that the air conditioning unit might fall on her. He is also the first one to notice that he has been sprayed with pickle juice in "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes".


Carlos Jr. is a portly and stocky Mexican-American teenage boy with black scruffy hair. He wears a yellow shirt, a black bow tie with red outlines, dark blue shorts, white socks and blue shoes with green laces. Due to his disability, despite being 13 years old, where most kids have already or are just starting puberty, CJ is very short in stature. Due to Down Syndrome, he has small eyes that are further apart.

Episodes focusing on CJ[]

  • "Arrr in the Family"
  • "Short Cut"
  • "Spin-Off"
  • "Silent Fight"


  • He is the first character in the show to have a developmental disability.
  • His bio in "Live Life Loud!" reveals that he has Down syndrome and that the reason he wears a bow tie is because he always asks to wear it.
  • Up until "Friends and Family", he didn't know what a flea market was, believing it literally sold fleas.


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For images about Carlos Casagrande Jr., visit this page

External links[]

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The Loud House franchise logo
TV Shows: The Loud HouseThe CasagrandesThe Really Loud House
Films: The Loud House (The Loud House MovieThe Casagrandes MovieNo Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie) • A Really Loud House (A Loud House ChristmasA Really Haunted Loud House)
TV Specials: The Loud House & Casagrandes Hangin' At Home SpecialSchooled!The Loud House Mega Music CountdownSave Royal Woods!Cursed!Phantom FreakoutThe Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale
Comics/Video Games
Comics: The Loud House (comics)The Casagrandes (comics)
Video games: The Loud House: Ultimate TreehouseThe Loud House: Outta Control
Royal WoodsGreat Lakes City
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7
The Loud family (Lincoln LoudLori LoudLeni LoudLuna LoudLuan LoudLynn Loud Jr.Lucy LoudLana LoudLola LoudLisa LoudLily LoudLynn Loud Sr.Rita LoudLeonard "Gramps" LoudAlbert "Pop Pop" LoudMyrtleRuth Loud)

The Loud family pets (Charles The Miniature Bull Terrier • Cliff the cat • Geo the hamster • Walt The yellow canary • Hops the frog • Gary the rabbit • Fangs the bat) Lana's pets (Bitey • Izzy • El Diablo • Duncan) Lisa's Robots (Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms • Todd) The McBride family (Clyde McBrideHoward and Harold McBrideGayle McBride) McBride family pets (Cleopawtra • Nepurrtiti) Casagrande family (Ronnie Anne SantiagoBobby SantiagoMaria Casagrande-SantiagoArturo SantiagoRosa CasagrandeHector CasagrandeCarlos CasagrandeFrida Puga-CasagrandeCarlota CasagrandeCarlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr.Carlino "Carl" CasagrandeCarlitos Casagrande) Casagrande family pets (Sergio • Lalo) The Chang family (Sid ChangStanley and Becca ChangAdelaide ChangFroggy 2Breakfast Bot) • The Uggo family (Charlie UggoMr. UggoMrs. Uggo)

Chris Savino • Michael Rubiner • Tim Hobert • Chris Savino Productions, Inc.Jam Filled EntertainmentNickelodeon Animation StudioNickelodeon MoviesNickelodeon ProductionsThe Loud House (pilot)