The Cluster Ambassador is a giant insect robot and a villain in My Life as a Teenage Robot. He is the former ambassador of the Cluster serving for Vexus until he got deactivated and defeated in planet Earth by Jenny/XJ-9.
The Ambassador was the right-hand for Vexus of the Cluster. He arrived at Earth to convince Jenny to live at Cluster Prime. As Jenny declined, the Ambassador attacked her. After Jenny destroys his body, the Ambassador's head escaped and Jenny followed it. Meanwhile, Brad and Tuck used the rest of the Ambassador's body to make a fortress. However, the mechanical parts soon started to rebuild themselves and trapped Tuck inside to possess him. As the possessed Tuck tries to harm Brad, the Cluster Ambassador's original head lands on his body, trapping Tuck (getting his senses back) inside again.
The Cluster Ambassador is shown to be loyal to the Cluster and merely wants for Jenny to join them even if he must force her into it. Along with this he is shown to look down on humans as he thinks they are only good for pets and labor even to the point he calls them merely "mortals" and demands they be quiet.