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The Crater Critters are a race of rock creatures and one-shot antagonists in My Life as a Teenage Robot. They only appeared in the episode "Last Action Zero", serving as the main antagonists.


The crater critters travelled from Mercury to Earth to have some "vacations" by bathing on volcanoes. Jenny faces one of them but is constantly interrupted by Brad who wants to help her. When the creature was about to open Brad's head to eat his brains, he was frozen by the Skyway Patrol in time and was captured by them. However, as they all left with Brad, more creatures leave the spaceship and blame on Jenny for freezing the volcan, whom they engage in battle.

After defeating Jenny, they plan to eat her brain despite being pure metal. The Skyway Patrol arrive again, but they have to wait to receive the "attack forms" to do anything. The crater critters resume in trying to eat Jenny's brains. At the same time, the first crater critter breaks free from his frozen state and causes panic in the Skyway Patrol's ship.

Brad rushes to the pilot commands and freezes the crater critters on the volcano, saving Jenny's life in the process. Now with the help of Jenny, Brad uses the tons of forms he had to fill to shoot them at the last crater critter, drowning him in paper and defeating them at last.


  • Despite having female variants, all crater critters are voiced by male voice actors.
  • The crater critters wear swimsuits to identify each one as male or female crater critters.
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My Life as a teenage robot template background
TV Pilot: My Neighbor was a Teenage Robot • TV Series: My Life as a Teenage Robot (television series) • TV Film: My Life as a Teenage Robot: Escape from Cluster Prime
Jenny WakemanDr. Nora WakemanBrad CarbuncleTuck CarbunkleSheldon Lee
TremortonTremorton High SchoolThe Goop Zone
Rob RenzettiFrederator StudiosNickelodeon Animation StudioNickelodeon