- “I missed Allison, so I started making out with her sister!”
- ―Drake Parker
Drake Parker is the older brother of Megan and stepbrother of Josh. Drake is depicted as an easygoing, immature, confident, and womanizing teenage slacker. Although he often appears unintelligent, his under-achievement seems to be caused by apathy, and he has been known to make impulsive decisions. Drake has a great interest in music, playing the electric guitar in a band throughout the series and liking all forms, his favorite being rock and sometimes country. He can also play drums and the bongos. He can easily manipulate Josh to get what he wants. He has a lot of success with girls, and much of the comedy is his effortless ability to get dates. Drake feels embarrassed about his new stepbrother at first but grows to accept Josh. Despite his narcissism and selfishness, Drake still redeems himself by doing the right thing. He becomes more mature as the series progresses.
Drake Parker is portrayed as a smooth, charming, laid-back slacker. He seems to care very little about any work he is asked to do, although he is quite intelligent musically - as he shows interest in playing the guitar. However, it is mentioned many times throughout the series that does not do well in school - mainly due to his laid back, carefree attitude, and in general, seems to care very little about doing terrible in school. An example of this is in Season 4, when he almost fails the 11th grade due to his bad tardies for gym class.
Besides music, another big interest of Drake's is his interest in women. Not only does he find women very attractive, but he also happens to be very successful with women - although part of this can be chalked up to his status as a musician (as this tends to single-handedly win many women over.) Drake, while being academically not-so bright, seems to be intelligentNot only is he smooth when it comes to asking woman out, but he is also an amazing kisser, as many of his girlfriends seem to enjoy making out with him. Proving this, is the fact that he is credited to be the best kisser by his current girlfriend Carly, and his ex-girlfriends Lucy and Christine.
While he is a player when it comes to dating, he doesn't appear to be one to cheat on the girl he is currently dating. Despite this, however, he seems to be quite the misogynist, as he often uses women as kissing poles and nothing more - at one point even comparing them to candy. This, evidently, makes him a very shallow person, and his relationships - romantic and platonic - don' t seem to go past the "having fun" phase.
Furthermore, Drake starts off the show as a very selfish person, as well as being very egotistical. Not only does he seem to have something of a superiority complex - actively demeaning nerds like Craig, Eric, and even Josh, because of his better looks and natural charm, but he is also a toolish person. He is seen to use, convince, and manipulate many people throughout the series, and seems to care very little about using these people. Drake is also occasionally dishonest, as he has a bad habit of telling lies, especially to his mother, Audrey. Megan, also, tends to lie to her parents - much like her brother. But, being the "baby girl" of the family, she tends to get away with it - unlike Drake.
Despite his flaws, however, he is not above seeing the error of his ways, breaking down and full-on crying after his life falls apart when Josh cuts him out of his life. Drake also learns to be more selfless as the show goes on, such as when he gave Josh his blessing on his relationship with Mindy, as well as vowing to keep his Christmas promise to Mary Alice despite the high chance of him being arrested. He also learns to appreciate Josh more as a brother, calling him brother rather than step-brother as the show goes on.
Behind the scenes[]
Despite his age, Drake seems to enjoy buying toys, as, in the episode The Drake & Josh Inn, he buys a Mexican robot toy, Paging Dr. Drake, when he buys a potato launching gun for ages 6-12, and in the episode Megan's First Kiss, he buys two pairs of clackers, which he claims are the hottest toy in the Netherlands. Drake always refers to his step-dad by his real name Walter in Season 4. Drake and Josh both despise their great aunt Catherine and mention that she collects hair from strangers. He is 14-15 in Season 1,15-16 in Season1- 2,16-17 in Season 3, 17-18 in Season 4, and 19-20 in Merry Christmas Drake and Josh.
External Links[]
- Nickipedia
- Drake and Josh wiki
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Drake_%26_Josh_characters#Drake_Parker
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