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Frida Puga-Casagrande is Ronnie Anne and Bobby's aunt on The Loud House and The Casagrandes. She is a very caring person who is the Casagrande family's resident artist and photographer. She is always taking photos of every family moment that she can, and has a tendency to break down in tears over anything emotional.


She is Ronnie Anne and Bobby's aunt, Maria's sister-in-law, Carlos' wife and the mother of Carlota, CJ, Carl and Carlitos. She is the resident photographer of the Casagrande family and loves to take pictures of almost everything.


She’s a very caring mother and aunt who loves to take pictures for just about every family moment. She’s also very dramatic and emotional, as she’s moved to tears very easily.


Frida is a tall and curvy Latin-American woman who has tan skin, long black hair, and a unibrow. She wears a pink dress with a greenish blue pattern on the top, light brown flats, orange gem earrings, a yellow pearl necklace with an orange rectangular gem, and a yellow pearl bracelet on each wrist.

Episodes focusing on Frida[]

  • "Miss Step"
  • "Achy Breaky Art"


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For images about Frida Puga Casagrande, visit this page


  • She's the tallest female Casagrande.
  • Her name is a reference to Frida Kahlo, a late well-known Mexican artist.
    • Like her namesake, Frida also has a prominent unibrow.
  • Her maiden name comes from storyboard artist Miguel Puga.

External links[]

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The Loud House franchise logo
TV Shows: The Loud HouseThe CasagrandesThe Really Loud House
Films: The Loud House (The Loud House MovieThe Casagrandes MovieNo Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie) • A Really Loud House (A Loud House ChristmasA Really Haunted Loud House)
TV Specials: The Loud House & Casagrandes Hangin' At Home SpecialSchooled!The Loud House Mega Music CountdownSave Royal Woods!Cursed!Phantom FreakoutThe Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale
Comics/Video Games
Comics: The Loud House (comics)The Casagrandes (comics)
Video games: The Loud House: Ultimate TreehouseThe Loud House: Outta Control
Royal WoodsGreat Lakes City
Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7
The Loud family (Lincoln LoudLori LoudLeni LoudLuna LoudLuan LoudLynn Loud Jr.Lucy LoudLana LoudLola LoudLisa LoudLily LoudLynn Loud Sr.Rita LoudLeonard "Gramps" LoudAlbert "Pop Pop" LoudMyrtleRuth Loud)

The Loud family pets (Charles The Miniature Bull Terrier • Cliff the cat • Geo the hamster • Walt The yellow canary • Hops the frog • Gary the rabbit • Fangs the bat) Lana's pets (Bitey • Izzy • El Diablo • Duncan) Lisa's Robots (Mr. Reinforced Titanium Alloy Arms • Todd) The McBride family (Clyde McBrideHoward and Harold McBrideGayle McBride) McBride family pets (Cleopawtra • Nepurrtiti) Casagrande family (Ronnie Anne SantiagoBobby SantiagoMaria Casagrande-SantiagoArturo SantiagoRosa CasagrandeHector CasagrandeCarlos CasagrandeFrida Puga-CasagrandeCarlota CasagrandeCarlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr.Carlino "Carl" CasagrandeCarlitos Casagrande) Casagrande family pets (Sergio • Lalo) The Chang family (Sid ChangStanley and Becca ChangAdelaide ChangFroggy 2Breakfast Bot) • The Uggo family (Charlie UggoMr. UggoMrs. Uggo)

Chris Savino • Michael Rubiner • Tim Hobert • Chris Savino Productions, Inc.Jam Filled EntertainmentNickelodeon Animation StudioNickelodeon MoviesNickelodeon ProductionsThe Loud House (pilot)