Jorgen Von Strangle is the major character of The Fairly OddParents!. He is the strongest Fairy that exists in Fairy World and acts as the leader of all fairies. His wife is the Tooth Fairy. He is the only fairy without wings, so he primarily uses a jetpack. His animal disguise is a rhinoceros and his plant disguise is a potted cactus with a slight humanoid shape. He enjoys torturing Binky Abdul.
Jorgen is the strongest and toughest fairy in Fairy World, and is the commander of the Fairy godparents and possibly all of Fairy World, although the extent of how powerful or how much he commands is not exactly clear. When Jorgen was first introduced, he was more of an enemy of Timmy, as he has tried a few attempts to get Timmy's godparents taken away. As the show progressed, Jorgen began to warm up to Timmy and his fairies, and he has become more of an hero, likely because Timmy has saved him and the fairies so many times.
Jorgen has tanned skin, white hair, and blue eyes like Timmy. He is also extremely muscular with a perfect and very humanoid body (unlike the light, skinny, weak, pointy bodies like other fairies, but a stronger, and more athletic body). He wears a green war top similar to that of a tank top/ no sleeved shirt, steeled toe combat boots, and army camouflage pants, as well as spiked bracelets on his arms and studded boots.
Jorgen has a personality of toughness, as he rules the Fairy World with a iron fist. Likewise, he tends to intimidate other fairies around him (especially Blinky, who is his favorite target for his sadism). At the first glance, Jorgen had been at odds with Timmy and his families. However, he begins to show many redeeming features, as the show progresses. In the later episodes, Jorgen declares that his only friends are Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy Turner. Once, when the tooth fairy dumped him for a while, he cried for around 2 weeks hugging (or choking) Cosmo and Wanda which annoyed Timmy, causing him to do a lot of insane stuff. Though he can be quite a jerk and is a extremely strict disciplinarian, Jorgen leads the Fairies, protects them and their magic, and is more or less the highest good authority in the series (even though he reports to the Fairy Council).