Kwan is an anti-heroic football player and Dash's best friend of Danny Phantom. Like Dash, Kwan bullies Danny and other kids around, but acts nicer than most of the other popular kids in Casper High.
Kwan is a 9th-grader and a member of the football team. He also picks on Danny and other unpopular students with Dash. In "Lucky in Love", he loses his popularity because Danny starts dating Paulina and there isn't enough room for more members in the popular group. Joining up with Tucker and Sam, Kwan embraces them with happiness, while they don't share the same feelings. Eventually, Star decides to be with him, even if it means sacrificing her popularity, and he regains his dominant position once Danny and Paulina break up.
After finding out Danny's secret identity in "Reality Trip," Kwan and the other popular kids help Danny and his friends escape.
In an Alternate Timeline[]
It is unknown what job Kwan has, but he is seen in "The Ultimate Enemy" when Dark Danny attacks the future Amity Park with his newly developed Ghostly Wail. Kwan has the build of an adult, and he wears a glasses and a white lab coat, which hints that he has become a scientist at the Axion lab but it is never confirmed.
He is of Asian descent with short black hair and sea foam green eyes. He is very muscular and fit, he usually wears the standard uniform of the jocks: a red-and-white letterman jacket, with a black t-shirt underneath and dark blue jeans and white shoes.
Kwan is light-hearted and unusually friendly, but still mean enough to bully students and find enjoyment in it, just not nearly as cruel or despicable as Dash. He seems to be more rational than Dash, but when pressured, he almost always gives in to Dash's orders. Kwan has been shown to actually care about Danny and his friends, but he doesn't push it too far for fear of losing his popularity and rank in the in crowd. He can be pretty heartless as well, breaking up with his previous date Valerie when another girl becomes available, and constantly harassing Danny Fenton and, on Dash's request, Tucker Foley.
Kwan has no known last name, but since he is an Asian descent, most of his last names could be within the ranges of either Chinese or Korean last names.
According to Dash in "Claw of the Wild," Kwan has an amazing bladder and can hold it for an indefinitely long amount of time (Dash didn't say because Sam asked him not to finish the sentence).
TV Pilot: Danny Phantom: Mystery Meat • TV Series: Danny Phantom (television series) • TV Special: Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle • TV Films: Danny Phantom: Reign Storm • Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy • Danny Phantom: Reality Trip • Danny Phantom: Phantom Planet • Video games: Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle (video game) • Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy (video game) • Comic: Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time