Ollie is a British opossum and is one of Snaptrap's henchmen on T.U.F.F. Puppy. He works for the Diabolical Order Of Mayhem (D.O.O.M.). In "True Spies", it is revealed that he's not actually British, but he just uses a British accent to sound smarter.
Despite the fact that he is a villain, Ollie seems to be one of the most polite and cultured characters in the entire series, and can usually be seen reading books and drinking tea. He's also shown to be thoughtful on certain occasions. He's usually the one who gives his boss something cheese-related by accident, either forgetting Snaptrap's cheese allergy, or Snaptrap forgetting it himself. He tends to be Snaptrap's voice of reason, which he often ignores. He doesn't tend to do many evil things or act as mischievous as his partners, but he often does have ideas for evil plans. However, Snaptrap usually already has a plan, only to reveal it's just something he likes to do.
Ollie is a tan opossum with a long bent snout with uneven buck teeth, has a long neck, his teeth are yellow, he has blue eyes and a curled pink tail. His clothing usually consists of a lavender hat with a brim that is pink on the inside, a purple jacket with a pink collar and silver buttons, one at the front and two others on the cuffs, a light blue turtleneck underneath and light periwinkle ripped pants with lighter periwinkle vertical stripes. His hands are shown to have visible fingernails.