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Quinn Morgendorffer is one of the main characters in Daria. She is a member of the Morgendorffer family, being the youngest daughter of Jake and Helen Morgendorffer and Daria's younger sister. She is voiced by Wendy Hoopes.


Quinn Morgendorffer is Daria's shallow, materialistic and vain younger sister who is one of the most popular girls in school. She is a member of Lawndale High School's Fashion Club.[1]


Quinn is a teenage girl who is thin, tall, and has long dark red hair with bangs going across her forehead. For Season 1-Season 3 of the series' run, she is seen wearing a pink midriff with a smiley face; during Season 4-Season 4 of the series, she wears a pink long sleeve shirt with a butterfly graphic that is cropped to expose her midriff. Throughout the series, Quinn wears blue bell-bottoms.


Unlike Daria, Quinn values popularity and her appearance. Due to the fact that she is afraid that others may see her in a light similar to the one they see Daria in, she claims she is an only child and denies the fact that she and Daria are sisters, usually telling people that Daria is her cousin, a girl that happens to live with them, a foreign exchange student, etc. Quinn is very shallow and materialistic, and she offers her time spent with Daria as a service to her parents in exchange for money. She is also quite air-headed, because deep down she's afraid of being labeled as being "a brain." For these reasons, she gives little regard towards academic pursuits. She is the vice president of the Fashion Club and is well-liked and popular among her peers. Quinn has a highly manipulative and mercenary personality when it comes to boys; she dates them for a brief time period for material gain and then dumps them when a better one comes along. She also strings along Jeffy, Jamie, and Joey so she can use them or feel better about herself by manipulating them into fighting over her. She is manipulative, often wheedling cash out of her father, undermining Sandi during Fashion Club, and getting Daria in trouble. Despite this, Quinn has low self-esteem, confessing to Daria in Monster that the only things she likes about herself are her physical appearance and her popularity, and that she focuses on these things because they're the only things that she's really good at; according to her "You have to be good at something". She starts off having mute academic ambitions but ends up valuing her intelligence and her family, even hiring David Sorenson to tutor her. She is also loyal and caring, at one point confronting her friend Lindy about her alcoholism. Quinn is a very social girl, who very quickly integrates herself into the Fashion Club on her first day of school. She is also sexually conservative, turning down older boy's advances and refusing to pose sexually with boys in This Year's Model. Quinn begins to grow and mature in the last season. She becomes more sensible and slightly more caring to her older sister, especially after the events of Is It Fall Yet?, in which she fell in love with her tutor and learned that she doesn't have to act dumb and shallow to be popular. In the episode Lucky Strike, she even admitted to her class and to the Fashion Club that Daria is her sister and not "[her] cousin," as she had repeatedly stated throughout the show's history.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Quinn was originally supposed to be a brother.
  • It Happened One Nut reveals that Quinn has a pistachio allergy and develops a rash if she so much as comes into contact with someone who's been handling them.
  • In the Latin America dubbing, she was voiced by María Fernanda Morales.
  • Quinn has four alter egos: Brainy Quinn, Sexually Active Quinn, Sexually Ambiguous Quinn, and Action Quinn.


  1. Allemang, John. "Finally, a TV teen who comes close to feeling real FINE TUNING." The Globe and Mail. Friday March 19, 1999. D2, Television, The Arts Column. Accessed on LexisNexis. Voiced by Wendy Hoopes.Retrieved on October 31, 2009.

External Links[]

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TV Pilots: Beavis and Butt-Head (TV Pilots) (Beavis and Butt-head) • Daria: Sealed with a Kick (Daria) • TV Shows: Beavis and Butt-HeadDaria • Films: Beavis and Butt-Head Do AmericaDaria: Is It Fall Yet?Daria: Is It College Yet?Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe • TV Specials: "Daria: Behind the Scenes" • "Daria: Look Back in Annoyance" • Video games: Beavis and Butt-Head (video game) • Beavis and Butt-Head: Virtual Stupidity • Beavis and Butt-Head: Bunghole in One • Beavis and Butt-Head: Do U • Daria: Daria's Sick, Sad Life Planner • Daria: Daria's Inferno • Comic: Beavis and Butt-Head (comics)
Beavis • Butt-Head • Principal McVicker • Coach Buzzcut • David Van Driessen • Tom Anderson • Todd • Mrs. Stevenson • Daria Borgdorfer • Jane Lane • Jodie Landon • Quinn Morgendorffer • Helen Morgendorffer • Jake Morgendorffer • Trent Lane • Tom Sloane
Beavis and Butthead: "Comedians" • "Werewolves of Highland" • "Crying" • "Daughter's Hand" • "Tech Support" • "Drones" • "Holy Cornholio" • "Supersize Me" • "Bathroom Break" • "The Rat" • "Escape Room" • "The Special One" • "Boxed In"
Daria: Esteemers
Highland, Texas (USA)Lawndale TownLawndale High School
Mike JudgeGlenn EicherSusie Lewis LynnMTV AnimationMTV Entertainment StudiosParamount PicturesBeavis and Butt-Head: The Mike Judge Collection