"Save Royal Woods! (originally titled "Laked!") is the seventh episode of the sixth season, the two-hundred-fifty-third episode, and the twelfth full-length episode of The Loud House.
When Royal Woods is in danger of being flooded to make room for a sixth Great Lake, the town comes together to prove that they're worth saving.
Act I[]
The citizens of Royal Woods have been told to attend a mandatory meeting being held at the high school. Once everyone arrives, Mayor Davis introduces the citizens to Joyce Crandall, Michigan's undersecretary of water leisure. After being introduced, Joyce reveals that she called this meeting to announce that she has a plan to boost Michigan's tourism: the creation of Lake Gladys, the sixth Great Lake. Suddenly, as Joyce showcases concept photos of the lake, Lincoln spots the Burpin' Burger sign submerged in the water; it turns out that the location of the lake is going to be Royal Woods itself. Joyce attempts to appease the citizens by saying that they'll be paid to move, but everyone is revolted by this announcement, with Luna questioning why their town of all places is chosen to be the location of the lake. Joyce decides to explain to them through song that the reason she wants to destroy the town is because they've got nothing special to make them stand out, unlike the neighboring cities, who have an odd landmark on display. Upon finishing her presentation, Joyce confirms that the demolition crew will be coming in a few days. As the angry and distraught citizens exit the school building, they begin to panic over the thought of losing their home. In an attempt to ease their stress, Lincoln, using Todd to amplify his voice, tells them that if they work together, they can come with an idea on making Royal Woods stand out so that Joyce can reconsider destroying their town, to which the citizens agree to.
The next day, Mayor Davis and Lincoln, who is promoted to "Honorary Jr. Mayor", hold auditions to see who can come up with the best idea to save Royal Woods. This leads to several citizens proposing their ideas, like the longest boot-scooting performance from Cheryl and Meryl, Lynn and her teammates creating their own sport, the Mortician's Club wanting to levitate the town, and Liam having his twin goats play instruments. However, all these pitches are unsuccessful due to their dangerous nature or plain absurdity. Suddenly, Flip arrives and reveals his idea: building the world's largest Flippee, and Lincoln and Mayor Davis agree to this plan.
Later, Lincoln, Mayor Davis, and the rest of Royal Woods are at the Food and Fuel, ready to initiate the construction of the world's largest Flippee. Once Flip retrieves his secret recipe, the town begin the construction. After several hours, the giant drink is complete and proceed to call up Joyce to come over. Once Joyce arrives (after revealing that she'll be promoted to a higher role if the construction goes through), she is introduced to the giant Flippee and, seeing how it can make Royal Woods stand out, decides to cancel the flooding. Unfortunately, at that very second, the Flippee begins to shake violently; it turns out that Flip, being the cheapskate he is, didn't follow the recipe correctly, as he added in expired gasoline in place of Flippee syrup (saying it was too expensive), making Lisa point out that the gasoline and the Flippee's additives are causing a violent reaction. At that moment, the Flippee erupts like a volcano, drenching everything. Because of this incident, along with the giant cup crushing her car and damaging her novelty bobblehead, a furious Joyce tells them that she's bringing the demolition crew tomorrow and proclaims that Royal Woods is officially done for.
Act II[]
As Flip breaks down crying over ruining the effort to save the town, Lincoln tells the citizens that he has another idea on how to save their town. Lincoln says that they might be able to save the town if they bring up any significant moments in history, but after Lisa points out that the town has no history and that they were named after an oak tree, Lincoln says that they can instead create a fake history of the town by taking advantage of the fact that the town has the word "Royal" in its name. Seeing it as a last resort, the town agrees to go with this plan.
The next day, Joyce and the demolition crew arrive, ready to tear down Royal Woods. Suddenly, Joyce is stopped by Lincoln, wearing colonial attire. Lincoln, speaking with colonial dialect, tells Joyce that Royal Woods has a rich history and offers to show it to her. Upon jumping into Lincoln's carriage, he and the citizens explain to her through a rap song about how King George III played a significance to their town, like the first ever drive-thru service, the first ever rest stop, and how he bartered his crown for a night's sleep at a motel. After finishing the song, Lincoln presents to Joyce the crown that King George used to pay for his stay, and Joyce, thinking Royal Woods does have a rich history, decides to cancel the flooding. Unfortunately, when she examines the crown, she discovers it's actually one of Lola's pageant crowns. Angered over getting duped, Joyce declares that the flood is still happening.
With all their hopes to save their town gone, the citizens begin to reminisce about some of their most cherished memories. This makes Lincoln realize that the memories the citizens have made over their time living in Royal Woods proves why they're worth saving. The citizens explain to Joyce that their respective memories of Royal Woods are what makes the town special, but despite this passionate plea, Joyce says that she's still going to destroy Royal Woods and is ready to demolish the dam to flood the town. However, the two construction workers who joined Joyce decide to side with Lincoln, saying that Royal Woods has just as much importance as their respective towns due to the memories created. This makes Joyce proclaim that she'll destroy the town herself, but then Lola reveals that if she continues with her plan, she'll have a bad image on TV; it's revealed that Katherine Mulligan has started to broadcast Joyce about to destroy Royal Woods on live TV. Joyce attempts to save face by saying she would never destroy a quaint little town, but then Tood reveals that she has a call from the over-secretary of water leisure who, furious that Joyce was going to destroy a town on live TV, immediately fires her on the spot. With Joyce fired from her job, the citizens, seeing how she can't continue with her plans anymore, begin cheering, knowing that they managed to save their little Michigan town.
- Bentley Griffin as Lincoln
- Catherine Taber as Katherine Mulligan
- Liliana Mumy as Leni
- Nika Futterman as Luna / Boris / Random Senior
- Cristina Pucelli as Luan / Dante / Over Secretary
- Jessica DiCicco as Lynn / Lucy / Zach
- Grey Griffin as Lana / Lola / Lily / Scoots / Cheryl / Meryl / Mrs. Gurdle
- Lara Jill Miller as Lisa / Liam / Persephone / Kid
- Brian Stepanek as Lynn Sr. / Todd / Bulldozer Guy #1
- Jill Talley as Rita
- Jahzir Bruno as Clyde
- Diego Alexander as Rusty
- John DiMaggio as Mr. Grouse / Flip / Bulldozer Guy #2
- Yvette Nicole Brown as Mayor Davis / Townsperson
- Piotr Michael as Albert
- Christine Baranski as Joyce Crandall
- Audrey Wasilewski as Nacho / Blonde Woman
Lori, Howard, Harold, Stella, Gayle, Sam, Mr. Gurdle, Maggie's mother, Judy, Meli, Darcy, Mrs. Bernardo, Mrs. Johnson, Seymour, Bernie, Teri's boyfriend, Liam's Mee Maw, Steve, Maddie, Morpheus, Gus, Haiku, Margo, Fiona, Miguel, Benny and Chef Pat have no lines in this episode.
- Already Forgot About You
- Flippee Jingle
- Keep Us Around
- Right Where We Belong
- It's important to have perseverance and don't give up.
- This is the first episode where Bentley Griffin voices Lincoln.
- However, the first piece of Loud House media where he voiced Lincoln was "Loud House Super Sports Special", and the first episode in the franchise where he voiced Lincoln was The Casagrandes episode "Skatey Cat".
- The title card has a similar color scheme to that of "Really Loud Music".
- This episode is similar to "Tricked!", as Hank and Hawk were plotting to destroy everyone's future Halloweens in Franklin Avenue and it's up to Lincoln and Clyde to save Halloween from the stinkers.
- This episode reveals the following:
- Hazeltucky has the world's largest frying pan.
- Beaverton has a piranha petting zoo.
- Fern Valley is home to the oldest-living long-tailed weasel in the world and it also has its own Arc de Triomphe made up of tires.
- One of Royal Woods' neighboring cities is named Sandy Flats and is well-known for having a museum dedicated to chicken parts.
- Cheryl and Meryl's last name is Farrell.
- Royal Woods is named after an oak tree.
- This is likely an allusion to its inspiration, Royal Oak, Michigan.
- Although one of the tree's roots blocks off the last two numbers of Royal Woods' year of establishment, it shows that the town was established sometime in the 19th century.
- Royal Woods is positioned on top of deposits of copper, nickel, iron, platinum and petroleum.
- Luna and Sam's first concert was held at the Royal Woods Bowling Alley.
- On the Loud House's walkway are cement impressions of the Loud kids and the pets' hands/paws.
- Todd is made of stainless steel.
- Lynn bench pressed 100 pounds when she was two.
- The first time Lincoln read Ace Savvy comics in his underwear was under a tree.
- Virginia was once thrown a "piglet shower", indicating that she is a mother.
- Rita and Lynn Sr. mention the events of "L Is for Love" and The Loud House Movie by stating that they first met at a crosswalk.
- One scene in "Right Where We Belong" reuses the color scheme from the theme song.
- Joyce breaks the fourth wall in this episode by questioning the Royal Woods citizens about their impromptu singing, a jab at how the songs in this episode seemingly start up out of nowhere.
- This episode has the most voice actors out of any episode, with 27.
- However, if singing voices do not count, there are only 17 voice actors, so this title would actually be a tie between "The Loudest Thanksgiving" and "Schooled!", both with 21, while the episode with the most voice actors in the franchise would be the Casagrandes episode "Cursed!" with 26.
- The short "Right Where We Belong" has even more, at 30; and the film A Loud House Christmas has 31.
- This episode alongside The Casagrandes episode titled Phantom Freakout both episodes aired on Michael Rubiner's 62nd birthday.