The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide! is a tv film sequel to The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour and the second film of the Nickelodeon crossover trilogy of the same name released in January 16, 2006 by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon. The tv film itself is also a crossover special continuation between The Fairly OddParents! and Jimmy Neutron. In This special, Jimmy and Timmy begin to fight over the affections of Cindy. It starts with Carl getting shocked under a ladder due to Friday the 13th. Timmy Turner and Jimmy Neutron's worlds have clash once again. Hilarity ensues.. Timmy and Jimmy compete with science and magic, attracting the attention of Professior Calamorious.
In the second cross-over special, Jimmy and Timmy begin to fight over the affections of Cindy. It starts with Carl getting shocked under a ladder due to Friday the 13th. Jimmy then finds out that Calamitous is robbing a bank. Jimmy fights Calamitous, Dr. Sydney Moist and the CalamiBot. Successful, he then encounters Timmy Turner, who then has a rocket duel. Timmy succeeds, sending Jimmy falling down Mt. Everest then saving him after a scolding from Wanda. Timmy then takes Cindy to Dimmsdale via his Fairy Godparents and Jimmy uses his Wormhole Generator to go after him, with help from Carl, Sheen and Libby.
Jimmy's enemy Calamitous follows as well, befriending Anti-Cosmo and freeing the Anti-Fairies in the process. Timmy lends Cosmo and Wanda to Carl, Sheen, and Libby. Then, Jimmy and Timmy fight the Anti-Fairies after they make it Friday the 13th every day, stopping the Earth from rotating anymore. Then they have to deal with Professor Calamitous in Jorgen's muscular body due to a mishap from Timmy. Jorgen Von Calamitous then takes Cindy to Retroville and creates the Big Bang Bomb, which would've exploded allowing Calamitous to make a whole new earth in his image. Jimmy and Timmy steal Cindy back and free Jorgen from Calamitous' control by breaking "DA Rules", making him very, very furious. In response for the scientist's act shrinks Calamitous and locks him up in a jar.
With help from Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda, Retroville and Dimmsdale are split allowing Jimmy and Timmy to both dance with Cindy. Also, Carl asks Wanda to turn mini-Calamitous into a Judy-look alike. The special ends with Timmy and Jimmy repeatedly fighting over Cindy, who enjoys the attention she's getting.
- Running Gag: People doing the "In Your Face Dance".
- This episode aired three days after a Friday the 13th.
- Hugh and Judy don't appear in this episode. However, they do appear as carbonite. And Calamitous was turned to Judy.
- Wanda breaks the fourth wall when she says Jimmy's universe makes her hips look "fat".
- When Cindy is talking to Libby about Jimmy, Libby can be seen playing the Ultra Lord video game.
- Betty Quinlan makes a cameo at beginning preparing for the dance and at the end where she is seen dancing with all the other kids.
- This is the last appearance of Goddard.
- This is the last appearance of Professor Calamitous; although Carl whispered to Wanda that she will transform him into Judy Neutron.
- While Jimmy and Timmy are racing rockets, the background music is similar to Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins.
- One of Chip Skylark's songs "My Shiny Teeth and Me" from the FOP episode, "Shiny Teeth" is played at the end.
- This is the second time Jimmy gets jealous instead of Cindy. The first was Billion Dollar Boy.
- The quote that Anti-Wanda says is the same quote SpongeBob said from the episode "Squirrel Jokes".
- This is the last Jimmy Timmy Power Hour special to be released on VHS, although this is notified to be extremely rare and hard to find since 2006 was the year VHS tapes were discontinued for some countries.
- This special takes place after the episode, The League of Villains as Calamitous escapes the Cretaceous Era. The third one also takes place after the episode as Eustace escapes from there too.
- Although this TV movie was released in 2006, you can actually see "Copyright 2005 Viacom International, Inc." at the end of the credits. This means that the episode was produced in 2005.