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The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators is a tv film sequel to The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide and the third and final film of the Nickelodeon crossover trilogy of the same name released in January 16, 2006 by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon. The tv film itself is also a crossover special conclusion between The Fairly OddParents! and Jimmy Neutron. In This special, Jimmy and Timmy begin to make amends while trying to defeat the enemies from their own universes—including a monster that they concoct together—while accidentally rejecting their respective friends in the process, including Cindy.


In the third and final cross-over special, The their third and final encounter starts when Timmy and Jimmy make amends while trying to defeat the enemies from their own universes—including a monster that they concoct together—while accidentally rejecting their respective friends in the process, including Cindy. Initially, they are unable to make the monster evil enough to fight them properly, but when they succeed, he absorbs Cosmo and Wanda's magic and Jimmy's intelligence, and begins destroying both children's universes.[1]


  • This was intended to be the series finale of both Fairly OddParents and Jimmy Neutron, and actually was originally intended to be aired much later, during The Fairly OddParents special event called "The 77 Secrets of Timmy Turner", on July 7, 2007.
    • Jimmy Neutron was going to have a fourth and final season. Unfortunately, the season was cancelled due to DNA Productions' closing as the result of the lackluster performance of The Ant Bully before season four could be produced. Four scripts were written for the season, but two of these scripts have yet to be revealed.
    • Meanwhile, Fairly OddParents was later renewed for a sixth season that aired in 2008 until it ended about three seasons later in 2017.
  • This is the only Jimmy Timmy Power Hour special in which Goddard (unless you count the intro) and Jorgen Von Strangle don't appear, although the former is in the intro with Cosmo and Wanda on his back just like the last two Jimmy Timmy Power Hour episodes. Interestingly, Jorgen was credited even though he never appears. This might indicate he was in a deleted scene.
  • This is also the only Jimmy Timmy Power Hour special released only on DVD.
  • Judy's voice actor was uncredited.
  • Everyone and everything that was transported into RetroDimmsdaleville was drawn in The Fairly OddParents animation.
  • If you look real closely, five of the kids in the background that panicked when Shirley poofed the school to RetroDimmsdaleville are Butch, Bolbi, Brittany, Betty, and Nick (and are also supporting characters in Jimmy Neutron). However, Butch is the only one of them seen in it and none of the other four are seen.
  • Captain Betty makes a cameo on the billboard that Jimmy and Timmy hit.
  • Jimmy and his friends stayed in Fairly OddParents animation most of the episode. Jimmy and Cindy are the only characters to be seen in their world at the end, while the others remain in Timmy's world. This was mainly because DNA Productions had shut down at the time and it would have been too difficult to model 3D versions for all of the Fairly OddParents characters.
  • When Sam was in RetroDimmsdaleville, his name tag was missing. Also, when Mrs. Fowl is in Retrodimmsdaleville, her dress colors were swapped.
  • This is the second time the soundlike music of Raymond Scott's Powerhouse (famous for being heard in numerous Looney Tunes cartoons) is heard, the first was in Return of the Nanobots.
  • AJ shouts out at one point "The future girl's mine!" a reference to the Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney duet "The Girl Is Mine" and the Brandy and Monica duet "The Boy Is Mine."
  • Shirley says "The villain who's name isn't Shirley" a reference to "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince."
  • This is the second time Jimmy's brain gets drained. The first was in Normal Boy.
    • Unlike that episode, Jimmy isn't seen getting his brains back at the end.
  • When Jimmy uses the horn in the monster truck, the sound is the dixie horn from the Dukes of Hazard series.
  • Goddard doesn't appear in this episode.
  • This is the only episode to have a 2006 copyright date.
  • An online game based off this short was released on


  • There are lots of clones of the characters during the domino chain scene in RetroDimmsdaleaville.
  • In one scene just before kidnapping the citizens in Retroville, the fire on Shirley's head is missing.
  • Although Martha Wheezer and Amber were seen being "poofed" into RetroDimmsdaleaville by Shirley, both do not appear in that dimension at all.


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