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"The Spies Who Loved Me" (originally titled "The Spies Who Love Me") is the thirty-first episode of the third season, and the one-hundred-thirty-second episode of The Loud House.


Ronnie Anne wants to go downtown, but her grandparents think it's too dangerous, so they decide to spy on her.


At the Casagrande Bodega, Ronnie Anne gets a call from Lincoln. Lincoln says that he's going to spend his day at Flip's Food & Fuel to try out a new flavor of Flippee, and Ronnie Anne says that she's going to spend her day downtown to look at the murals. Upon hanging up, and getting her backpack, Rosa and Hector, who were eavesdropping on the conversation, are horrified that Ronnie Anne is going downtown, and fear for her safety. Ronnie Anne tells her grandparents that she can handle being on her own, and heads off. The other family members, realizing what Ronnie Anne's up to, begin to fear for her safety as well, and decide to spy on her, with Carl and Carlota sneaking nearby.

As Ronnie Anne views and takes pictures of the murals, Carl and Carlota surveil her with the latter's smartphone as the others watch on another smartphone. Throughout the entire time, Ronnie Anne does something that makes the others fear that something bad will happen, only for Ronnie Anne to not get hurt. When Ronnie Anne takes a picture of a mural, a speeding bicyclist comes careening down the sidewalk she's on, and Carl attempts to stop him. Luckily, Ronnie Anne sees the bicyclist, and tells him to slow down, which the bicyclist does. Needing to get out of Ronnie Anne's sight, Carl attempts to head back, but bumps into a postwoman, catching Ronnie Anne's attention. When Ronnie Anne sees Carl and Carlota, the other family members accidentally reveal that they're spying on her, making her miffed, saying that she's completely fine, and orders them to stop spying on her.

When Ronnie Anne departs, Carl reveals that he had planted a tracking chip into her backpack, so Carlos can look over her on his smartphone. Soon enough, they use the tracking chip, a map of Great Lakes City, and a city guide to keep track of Ronnie Anne's every move. Suddenly, while Ronnie Anne digs through her backpack, the tracking chip falls onto a wad of chewed up gum, which gets stuck onto a rat. When the rat runs into a bad part of town, the Casagrandes think that Ronnie Anne is visiting the city jail, and attempt to call her, but Ronnie Anne, thinking that they're still spying on her, declines their call, prompting them to go after her themselves, while CJ stays behind to look over Carlitos and Bobby.

While venturing around the city, Carlos locates the tracking chip in an abandoned housing complex. When the family discover the rat with the tracking chip, all but Carlota mistakenly believe that the rats ate Ronnie Anne, and the rats are prepared to attack the now cornered Casagrandes. At the same time, Ronnie Anne arrives back home, and asks CJ where everyone is, and CJ tells her that they went to look for her. At that moment, the bodega phone rings, and it turns out to be the Casagrandes. When they explain their predicament to Ronnie Anne, she agrees to come after them. As the rats come closer to the Casagrandes, Ronnie Anne arrives, and successfully drives the rats away by tossing a half-eaten pretzel into an elevator, where she promptly closes the door on them. The Casagrandes thank Ronnie Anne for saving them, and learn their lesson that she's mature enough to be on her own, and Ronnie Anne promises to call them every so often whenever she goes out just to let them know she's safe. After a brief group hug, they quickly flee the building just before the rats escape.

As Ronnie Anne chats with Lincoln, Lincoln says that his day didn't go as planned: the Flippee machine was broken, and Flip tried to fix it. Unfortunately, because of his aggressiveness towards fixing the machine, he ended up breaking it, and decided to give everyone free nachos instead. However, the nacho cheese machine is broken as well, and Flip tries to fix the machine just as aggressively as the Flippee machine.


Clyde, Bobby, Renee, and Renee's mother have no lines in this episode. Although listed in the credits, Flip has no lines in this episode, but he can be heard screaming.


  • Let your kids have their privacy.
  • Let them make their own decisions.
  • You shouldn't be overprotective of your loved ones if you believe they don't know what they're doing.


  • This is the first episode to depict Ronnie Anne on the title card.
  • This episode reveals that Flip has impatience issues, as his struggle to fix the Flippee machine and nacho cheese machine, which completely aggravates him. It also reveals that Carlos once sewed a tracking chip into Carlota's coat.
  • This is the third episode in which the Loud kids and Clyde are not the main characters.
  • This is the first episode to show a map of Great Lakes City.
  • This is the first episode where a Loud family member appears but does not have a major role, which continued on to the Casagrandes story arc (that started with Friended! with the Casagrandes) in Season 4 and "Zach Attack" in Season 5.

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